Prolonging Your Garage Door lifespan with Proper Lubrication

Prolong Your Garage Door’s Performance with Proper Lubrication

It’s crucial to lubricate your garage door over time in order to extend its lifespan and keep it in good working condition. Have you noticed that your garage door has started making strange noises? Can you hear it opening or closing from other areas of the home? You can eliminate a lot of those noises just by lubricating the door’s major components. In addition to providing quieter operation, it can help forestall the need for a garage door technician to provide emergency repairs for a damaged garage door.

It’s vital that you take care of your garage door properly so that it works correctly at all times. The first step is to double check that none of the major components have sustained significant wear or damage, or has failed completely. If your door is automatic, pull the emergency cord on the opener to switch the door to manual mode. Now, try to open and close the door by hand. It should feel like it weighs between 8 and 10 pounds, and it should move up and down easily. If it does not, then there’s a problem that needs to be addressed. Contact us to check the door before something goes wrong.

If there are no operating problems, you’re good to continue with your lubrication efforts. Here are the parts you need to lubricate.

The Springs

You may have either a torsion or an extension , but both can be protected with a lubricant designed specifically for metal parts. You can even use a lightweight motor oil, such as 5W30. Just put the lubricant into an applicator and then apply it to the top of the spring. Wait a few seconds, and then spread it across the spring using a clean cloth. Make sure to clean any excess oil from the spring. This will protect metal springs from the damage caused by humidity and moisture.

The Door Rollers

Rollers and hinges must also be protected. They are in contact with other metal parts, and will corrode over time. You’ll need to lubricate them a little at a time, but make sure that you are circumspect – too much lubricant can be worse than no lubricant here. Make sure to use a dry cloth to apply it, and remove any excess lubricant.

If your system has steel rollers without coverings, you’ll need to just add a little oil at the ball bearings. If you have black nylon rollers with no bearings, just put a little bit of oil between the shaft and the roller. If you have nylon-covered steel rollers (white), do not lubricate them as the bearings are sealed.

The Door Hinges

Hinges should be lubricated correctly, but you don’t need much. Use a small amount of lubricant where the hinges open and close. Make sure to lubricate the brackets at the top and bottom of the door. Just a touch of oil will do it for all metal-to-metal contacts.

Lubricate the Tracks

Your garage door’s tracks are made of metal, but you only need a little bit of lubrication here. Only lubricate the horizontal track and use just a little bit. The rollers will actually spreading the lubrication.

Where Else?

In addition to the locations we’ve touched on, there are a couple of other important areas to lubricate. One of those is the shaft where your torsion spring is located over the door. Just a little oil is needed on the anchor plate. Note that you should not lubricate lift cables or drum coils.

Pay Attention to Your Door Opener

If your garage door opener uses a belt, you do not need to lubricate it. However, if your garage door opener has a chain, you will need to do so. You may have one of two types installed: one uses a chain attached to a steel cable, and one that uses a steel chain for the entirety of the length. Use white grease to lubricate the chain, and not motor oil or another type of lubricant. Contact us if you’re not able to find the right type of grease.You should also check to see if the trolley needs to be tightened. Note that this is only necessary if you have a three-part door trolley.

One More Tip

If you follow these lubricating tips twice per year, your garage door will operate correctly, quietly and enjoy a long lifespan. However, if you need help, questions answered, general maintenance or repairs, you can call us at 705-721-7909.You can also design your perfect garage door and get a free quote.

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